
How one tech giant came to dominate the Javascript ecosystem

Dec 22, 2023

A JavaScript developer's day may begin with a LinkedIn (a Microsoft-owned platform) notification on their mobile device. Upon arriving at their workspace, they open Visual Studio Code (VSCode), developed by Microsoft, for their coding tasks. They utilize the command line to fetch updates from their GitHub repository, another Microsoft acquisition.

As development progresses, they benefit from GitHub Copilot's assistance. This AI tool was partially developed by Microsoft, further solidifying its presence in the JavaScript ecosystem. When integrating additional functionality, developers often turn to NPM, an online registry owned by Microsoft, using the 'npm install' command. The TypeScript programming language, also developed and supported by Microsoft, might be used during this process.

Upon completion of the coding task, the developer uploads the updated codebase onto Azure, Microsoft's cloud computing service, which hosts their project. To communicate or collaborate with fellow developers working on related packages, they join Discord channels (yet another Microsoft property), fostering community engagement within the JavaScript ecosystem.