Top Talks for Software Developers at CES 2024

Software developers attending CES 2024 can look forward to a range of exciting talks and events

Dec 24, 2023



Software developers planning to attend CES 2024 have a lot to look forward to, with a lineup of engaging talks and events. Expect insightful discussions from employees at leading tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Microsoft, focusing on the latest advancements in AI and machine learning. Additionally, there will be panels exploring the future of smart homes and the Internet of Things – offering something of interest for every attendee. This is a golden opportunity to gain knowledge from industry experts and network with peers in the field. Keep an eye out for more updates and exciting announcements as the event draws closer.



The excitement at CES 2024 begins on Sunday, January 7th, with Media Days. The event starts with ShowStoppers Launchit, a platform where ten innovative startups will present their products to journalists and potential investors. This is followed by CES Unveiled, offering further opportunities for emerging companies to connect with the media. CES actively works with media outlets and influencers to promote the event and provide the latest industry news and trends.

Monday, another Media Day, will see LG Electronics sharing insights into their latest technologies and discussing their evolution into a Smart Life Solution Company. This transformation focuses on leveraging AI to enhance living spaces and customer experiences. Additionally, Ambient Scientific is set to reveal an ultra-low power AI processor designed for Edge and IoT devices, capable of running on-device AI applications with minimal power usage. The day will also include discussions on "The AI Inflection Point – Entertainment, Internet & Media," among other topics related to AI integration. The day's highlight will be a keynote by Siemens' Roland Busch, discussing the transformative impact of AI and the Industrial Metaverse on our daily lives.

Main Event

Tuesday, January 9th

The official opening occurs on Tuesday morning, leading into presentations including:

Wednesday, January 10th

Doors reopen on Wednesday for another full day of presenting consumer electronics.

Thursday, January 11th

The party is just getting started as a new stable of speakers enter stage right on Thursday: Christine Trodella of Meta's Reality Labs takes part in "The New Workplace Toolbox", discussing the latest tools and emerging technologies being used to get ahead.


CES 2024 is set to wrap up on Friday, with the day featuring a range of talks, including the all-day "Shark Tank Open Call," where leading entrepreneurs will present their most innovative business ideas and products.

As CES 2024 nears its end, attendees can look forward to assimilating the wealth of knowledge and insights the event promises to offer. With an array of talks and panels covering crucial topics like AI and machine learning, smart homes, and the Internet of Things, software developers are in an excellent position to stay current with the latest industry trends and technologies. In our fast-evolving industry, staying informed and engaged is key, and CES is the perfect venue for this pursuit. We hope you've enjoyed our preview of the CES talks tailored for software developers and eagerly anticipate the updates and revelations from the presenters themselves!

#CES2024 #TechTrends #SoftwareDevelopment #InnovationTalks #AIandIoT